Monday, November 9, 2009


The main physical boundary that defines me as a person is my skin. My skin, just like everyone else, is the one physical boundary that I cannot get out of. There is no escaping of your skin. Outside of my skin, I have a layer of body moisturizer. This penetrates my skin and enables it to be soft, supple and flexible to continue with my daily tasks. Most mornings I wear a layer of make-up on my face. First I apply a layer of foundation, at times some concealer, then powder to set it, bronzer, blush, eye shadow, eye liner, and mascara. Yes, I know what you are thinking, I am indeed a make-up whore! On my hair I sometimes have a layer(s) of hair serum or gel and perhaps a layer of perfume along my neck and shoulders.
I live in an apartment with my family. I spend a third of my time there, a third of my time at school and another third at my job in Bloomingdales 59th Street. These boundaries keep me from wandering the streets with nothing to do and they also keep me from the cold in the winter. Speaking of Winter, boundaries that also protect me from the cold are my layers of clothing. On an everyday basis, I wear at least a t-shirt, blouse or dress and shorts, jeans or pants. I don't really think it's neccessary to discuss what goes under it! In the winter, i use more layers that are heavier such as sweaters, coats and sneakers or boots.
I spend a lot of my free time sitting behind a computer as I am right now. I am able to connect with the world at my fingertips without escaping any boundaries. My cell phone is another boundary since I can speak or text through it but like a computer, i am still only behind it.

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