Sunday, November 8, 2009


I think that my life is determined by a special, individual fate! In life, you go through many ups and downs but in certain cases along the way, things will occur that work in your favor. This is what I call fate.
I am a firm believer in the "everything happens for a reason," idea. When one door closes, another one opens. In this case, when that happens, it was simply meant to be. If it worked out in your favor, then it was fate. I believe fate has put certain things in my path that even if it didn't last long long there, it was meant to be there for the learning experience.
In the Matrix film, no one has control of their life. Everything that goes on is predestined. The oracle in the movie even tells Neo that she would offer him to have a seat but she already knew he wouldn't take it. Nothing in the Matrix world is based on free will. Simply, their lives are determined by an individual fate (programmed impulses to the brain).
Schick explains that, "fatalists, as they are called, believe that certain things are bound to happen no matter what anyone does." (Irwin, 91) He then continues with, "An oracle prophesied that Oedipus would kill his father and marry his mother. To avoid such horrible fate, Oedipus left the city where he grew up, but ended up doing exactly what the oracle had predicted." (Irwin, 91) This shows that no matter how you go about your daily situations, the end result will always be what was predestined in your fate.
Sometimes people will think that they will do something different, something in their own freedom and free will. What they don't know is that whatever results from what they did was bound to happen however they did it.

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